Book Review: Rediscovering Scripture’s Vision for Women by Lucy Peppiatt

Rating: 5 stars of 5

I am really enjoying reading Lucy's books. Her interpretations of difficult passages of Scripture make so much sense and seem so much more logical than the more convoluted interpretations that leave holes in the fabric of reasoning and divorce texts from their historical and cultural contexts.

I especially appreciated Lucy's exegesis of 1 Timothy 2 in Rediscovering Scripture’s Vision for Women. It is the first interpretation of this passage I have ever heard that just makes complete sense! She presents the context in such a clear, understandable way. Without it, other interpretations really do the passage (and the church) a disservice.

This book also tackles the topics of headship, Paul’s views on marriage and gender roles, male bias, ancient household codes, Jesus and women, women in early Christianities and ministries, and how biblical texts on these topics are often misinterpreted. Lucy covers her own interpretations whilst also examining the flaws in other interpretations and their theological implications in a gentle, honest way. It is a thoroughly well researched book written from the perspective of a scholar, theologian, and Ph.D. recipient who is educated and qualified to speak on such topics and biblical languages.

I am so glad I read this book. Wholeheartedly recommend, along with her book Unveiling Paul’s Women.

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